Dear friends and colleagues,

all members of our team are in the field starting with May 10.

Ordering process in our web site will be not interrupted and all orders will be processed during the third week of Jun 2024.
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Scientific lot no. 219 Hymenoptera (Xylocopa spp.) (6 pcs)
Scientific lot no. 219 Hymenoptera (Xylocopa spp.) (6 pcs)
SW Kalimantan
$ 24.00
Scientific lot no. 417 Hymenoptera (20 pcs)
Scientific lot no. 417 Hymenoptera (20 pcs)
Solomons: Guadalcanal I.
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 223A Hymenoptera (20 pcs A, A-, A2)
Scientific lot no. 223A Hymenoptera (20 pcs A, A-, A2)
Lombok I.
$ 25.00
Megalara garuda (A-)
Megalara garuda (A-)
$ 25.00
Megascolia procer javanensis
Megascolia procer javanensis
WS +85
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 49 Hymenoptera (27 pcs A-, A2)
Scientific lot no. 49 Hymenoptera (27 pcs A-, A2)
Aru Is.: Wokam I.
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 91 Hymenoptera (31 pcs)
Scientific lot no. 91 Hymenoptera (31 pcs)
Buru I.
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 92 Hymenoptera (35 pcs - 10 pcs A-, A2)
Scientific lot no. 92 Hymenoptera (35 pcs - 10 pcs A-, A2)
Buru I.
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 89 Hymenoptera (39 pcs)
Scientific lot no. 89 Hymenoptera (39 pcs)
Buru I.
$ 25.00
Mutilidae sp. 22
Mutilidae sp. 22
Seram I.
WS 41-43mm
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 93 Hymenoptera (35 pcs A-, A2)
Scientific lot no. 93 Hymenoptera (35 pcs A-, A2)
Buru I.
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 18 Hymenoptera (25 pcs) (A,A-,A2)
Scientific lot no. 18 Hymenoptera (25 pcs) (A,A-,A2)
S Laos
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 170 Hymenoptera (20 pcs A, A-, A2)
Scientific lot no. 170 Hymenoptera (20 pcs A, A-, A2)
Buru I.
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 228A Hymenoptera (Mutilidae) (5 pcs)
Scientific lot no. 228A Hymenoptera (Mutilidae) (5 pcs)
N Oman
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 25 Mutillidae (2pcs) (1pc A2)
Scientific lot no. 25 Mutillidae (2pcs) (1pc A2)
Indonesia: Seram I.
wingspan 38 and 42 mm
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 448 Hymenoptera (36 pcs)
Scientific lot no. 448 Hymenoptera (36 pcs)
SW Kalimantan
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 32 (Pompylidae sp.) (1 sp.)
Scientific lot no. 32 (Pompylidae sp.) (1 sp.)
Indonesia: Buru I.
WS 63 mm
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 54 Hymenoptera (32 pcs)
Scientific lot no. 54 Hymenoptera (32 pcs)
NE Laos
$ 25.00
Scientific lot no. 59 Hymenoptera (20 pcs)
Scientific lot no. 59 Hymenoptera (20 pcs)
S Laos: Attapeu prov.
$ 25.00
Vespa affinis ssp. (SPREAD) (10 pcs)
Vespa affinis ssp. (SPREAD) (10 pcs)
N. Moluccas: Obi I.
$ 25.00